Chip Carving - WCI

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Take a journey into this old-world art form. Discover patterns, tips , and techniques, as well as a beautiful gallery of work to spur the imagination for unique creations.

In this collection of 29 projects, woodworkers of all skill levels are taught several variations of chip carving-the timeless art of decorating a wood surface by removing chips of wood with short triangular-shaped cuts-including basic chip carving, line carving, shallow-chip carving, and highly stylized European chip carving. Featuring patterns from a host of preeminent chipcarvers-such as Barry McKenzie, Dennis Moor, Darrell Jannsen, and Roger Strautman-this handy guidebook includes Christmas ornaments, a beautiful line-carved birdhouse, a handsome chip-carved chess set, and fun chip-carved golf balls with intricate, geometrical designs  128 pages